Welcome to Parakeet Records

Involved with

In alphabetical order, somewhat, we've been involved some way with recording, editing mastering, sound for these artists, movies, soaps, etc.  Act-ors -- site for Excursions Limited which alerts other producers to problem employees and act-ors.  Dead Skunk Stewart, Full Tilt Bozo on piano, Full Tilt Bozo on guitar Full Tilt Bozo on other stuff.

GiTMO T.I.T.M.O. the detainee movie, Habeas Corpus (The Soap Opera),  Muttonfist Finds America, NormanNormanNorman for cover songs, Psy-Ops, the music group, The Tissue Issue, a movie about modeling,  Ugly, the musician,  and YesNorman for Norman originals.

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